Guest photographer visits photography class

Visit the post by TYO Intern Adrienne on the Triple Exposure website:

As an American intern teaching the Beginning Photography class at TYO this semester, I've really enjoyed getting to know the 20 boys and girls in my class and having the chance to expose them to the joys of digital photography. It's been a great experience because the kids, ordinarily loud and crazy, become instantly focused when handed a camera to work with.

In order to show them that photography can become a life-long hobby or even a useful job skill, we invited a professional photographer from the local community to come and speak to our class. Hassan Qamhia (, a professor at An-Najah University in Nablus and a budding professional photographer, visited us on Monday, November 29, and entertained the students with a slideshow of his beautiful photos taken around Nablus.

He also gave the kids some hands-on photography lessons. Everyone present greatly enjoyed Hassan's presentation and gave him a resounding "Shukran" (thank you) at the end of class!

-- Adrienne

Adrienne (pictured second from right above) is an intern with Tomorrow's Youth Organization. Originally from Ithaca, New York, she teaches the basic photography class with Triple Exposure.

“Triple Exposure” is a TYO initiative that aims to develop identity, awareness, and vocational skills among children and adolescents through teaching photographic expression and the production of public art.