Interview with a TYO Translator: Diana

This is an interview with one of our translators, Diana.  Diana assists with the “Art and Empowerment” class at TYO, an all-girls class focused on building self-confidence, self-esteem and friendship through the arts.

ASHWINI: Hi Diana!  Thank you so much for taking part in this interview.

DIANA: You are very welcome.

A: How did you become involved with TYO?

D: I first heard about TYO in 2009, from my cousin, Masa, who is a volunteer here.  I have previously translated for Médecins Sans Frontières and Project Hope in Nablus, so my cousin though I would be a good fit for TYO.  About a year after I heard about it, I went online and looked at TYO’s blog.  Then, I contacted the organization, sent them my CV and told them I was interested in translating, and then I joined as a translator!

A: What are your impressions of TYO and the work that we do?

D: I like it very much.  It’s a new experience for me.  Here, I feel like I am really a part of the class.  Previously when I translated, I felt like I just did my job, did my work and then went home.  But here, I am much more comfortable.  I really like your way of teaching.  And now, I feel like I know much more about how to deal with [teenage] girls.

A: What are your future hopes and goals?

D: I wish I could be a teacher.  I would like to really build a new way of teaching for a new generation here.  I wouldn’t just focus on the material to be taught—for example, if I were an English teacher, I would give my students many sentences and grammar lessons that use our circumstances that we are living in to teach.  I want to give a message to people about living as a girl in Palestine.

A: And what would that message be?

D: The message is many things.  The message would be to reflect about my life.  I feel like I always have so much energy and power, but I can’t do anything with it.  So I feel very disappointed.  But then I think, it’s ok, it’s no problem, I can do things for Palestine from inside, while living inside.  But we want our rights just like anyone else.  That is the message for me.

Ashwini is an intern at TYO Nablus. Diana translates in her Art and Empowerment class.