Introducing TYO's Video Series: Triple Exposure Program

Inspired by wall art that colors surfaces around the West Bank, the Triple Exposure project was designed to engage youth in expressing themselves through art that the public could access, thereby allowing communities in Nablus, the West Bank, and abroad witness the lives and personal expressions of youth. The project harnesses the unique ability of art education to encourage creativity, self-expression, self-confidence, analytical abilities, and a sense of identity among youth. It aims to promote a group of youth who are creative, curious, and committed to engaging with their communities at home and abroad in order to build a better future. As Triple Exposure gears up for the fall semester, TYO welcomes Daniela Nogueira as its new coordinator. Daniela comes to TYO as the recipient of a Pforzheimer Public Service Fellowship from Harvard University. The Pforzheimer Fellowship is awarded to graduating seniors pursuing a direct service project that addresses significant human need. A brief introduction from Daniela is below:

I came to Palestine by way of Africa. Two years ago, I spent ten weeks working at a legal clinic for refugees and migrants in Pretoria, South Africa. It was there that I first witnessed the instability and vulnerability of refugee life. Although I could assist my clients in legal matters, they still had to struggle for food, safety, education, and employment. Worse still, they had to do it all without the help and support of their own state. The experience sparked a deeper interest in refugee issues around the world, leading me to read and research the refugee situation in Palestine. The more I learned about past and present issues in the West Bank, the more I felt drawn to the region.

Thankfully, I found TYO. After just two weeks in Nablus, I am already inspired by the generosity of the Nabulsi people and the hard work of my co-workers. Their efforts have created a truly organic community center that continues to evolve and expand with each passing semester. I am eager to learn more, see more, and serve better as I embark on my year-long public service fellowship.