TYO Intern Alumni: Where are They Now?

Laura Alum

Laura Thomas

My advice to people considering applying for an internship with TYO is to take a chance and do it. Nablus can seem intimidating at first, but TYO provides an opportunity to live and work in Palestine in a safe and structured environment.

From Chicago, IL Laura taught Sports, Women's Fitness, Staff English, Professional Competency at An-Najah University as an intern at TYO Nablus in the spring of 2012.

What was your favorite moment/story from your time with TYO? 

My favorite TYO memory was going with our Women's Fitness classes to the park. It was beautiful to find a green space in the city, and to spend some time outside of class with the women. The Women's Group is full of personality, and I had a great time getting to know some of them a little bit better.

What do you miss most about Nablus?

What I miss most about Nablus is walking through the Old City. You get a real sense of history, whether it's the Ottoman-era bath or the soap factories destroyed during the Second Intifada, you can feel it in the city.

What have you been up to after leaving Nablus and what are your plans for the future?

I'm currently teaching English at a school in Palestine. I'm hoping to complete a master's degree in International Development and continue working with children here.

How do you think TYO affected you personally and professionally?

Personally, TYO offered me an ideal opportunity to begin to understand the challenges Palestinians face daily. Until you spend time here, it's hard to imagine what occupation feels like. After my experience at TYO, I was much better prepared to make decisions about staying in Palestine long-term. Further, the chance to learn what it's like to work in an NGO and develop skills such as reporting, monitoring and evaluation are valuable.

Do you have any advice for anyone considering applying for a TYO internship?

My advice to people considering applying for an internship with TYO is to take a chance and do it. Nablus can seem intimidating at first, but TYO provides an opportunity to live and work in Palestine in a safe and structured environment.