FWEME Beneficiaries Celebrate the End of BLC, English, and IT Training Courses

TYO-Lebanon FWEME entrepreneurs The value of  providing women’s empowerment programming to women in underdeveloped communities and in regions were they have traditionally been left behind in the workforce can not be overstated. It is clear by the level of investment globally from foundations, NGOs, governments, and the private sector that this idea is well accepted. With women making up half the potential workforce, successful economies truly depend on the contribution of women. Given the high level of female unemployment and the political instability of the Arab region, much effort has been made to encourage women to enter the labor market in an effort to boost and stabilize the local economies- with entrepreneurship being the foremost way to encourage women to take ownership over their own economic situations. Based on the experience of investors, female entrepreneurs see the world through a different lens, often bringing a more human touch to the businesses they start. However, regardless of the general atmosphere created in female run business, in order to be successful, entrepreneurs require access to training to help develop their skills- both hard skills (accounting, IT, language) and soft skills (creativity, confidence).

TYO-Lebanon has worked tirelessly to provide such training for women in the FWEME project. Opportunities provided include:

  • Training and support for business expansion, with particular focus on marketing, accounting, and distribution.
  • Promoting the participation of women in accessing to finance through loans.
  • Leading, following, and directing the development of the business.
  • Initial training and individual coaching.
  • BLC, English and IT training courses.

The TYO- Lebanon beneficiaries made great progress through the duration of the project and worked very hard to reach the final phase of the program. Working with their business coaches, the women developed unique business models and maintained a strong commitment to environmentally responsible business practices. TYO-L has always been dedicated to leading women entrepreneurs to create transformational innovation, growth, and impact.

 -TYO Lebanon