TYO is participating in GlobalGiving’s Global Open, can you help us win up to $6,000 in prize money?!

The Global Open Challenge
From November 24 – December 21, we are competing to earn a spot on the GlobalGiving website, and earn up to US $6,000 from Global Giving by being one of the top fundraisers in the ‘Global Open’ Challenge. The organization with the greatest number of individual donations will get $3,000, and a separate $3,000 prize will go to the project raising the most money. The second and third place runners up for both achievements will get $2,000 and $1,000 respectively. In order to keep our project on GlobalGiving longer term, and use their website for ongoing fundraising, we need to raise a minimum of US $4,000 from at least 50 unique donors during the Challenge.
Your support makes a difference
If you are planning to make a donation this year, please do so by going to our project on GlobalGiving between November 24 and December 21.
100% of your tax-free donation will be put toward the children of Nablus :
  • $10 will buy 2 books for our child-friendly library
  • $25 will buy 25 plates to serve hot meals
  • $50 will provide shelves for either our library or kitchen
  • $75 will buy 3 educational board games
  • $100 will provide 4 bag bean chairs for our child-friendly library
  • $200 will help fund a dishwasher
  • $500 will buy a refrigerator
All donations given through this challenge will:
  • Purchase kitchen equipment and food to offer hot meals for children and nutrition classes for mothers
  • Build a child-friendly library with books and storytelling tools to bolster kids’ literacy skills, love of learning and tools for healthy self-expression.
We value all forms of help. If you are unable to make a financial contribution, please tell your friends and family about TYO. Help us raise awareness through your own Facebook, Twitter and blog accounts. Contact Chelsey (email to: chelsey at tomorrowsyouth.org) for more information on how to help.
Thank you, The TYO Team!