TYO out on the town!
The first evening of TYO's event week was a smashing success. With event chairs Terry McAuliffe and Samia Farouki, TYO founder and his wife, Hani and Cheryl Masri, Congressman Jim Moran, The Economist editor Peter David, Steve Clemons of Washington Note and New America Foundation and countless other personalities, it was a night to remember at Cafe Milano!
At left, TYO Event Chair and former National Democratic Chairman, Terry McAuliffe with TYO Founder and President, Hani Masri, stand in front of Cafe Milano with the jumbo banner that co-host Franco Nuschese surprised us with. THANK YOU, Franco! Cafe Milano put on a typically high class and fun event for over 200 TYO supporters.
Representative Jim Moran joined the crowd, following remarks from Terry McAuliffe, TYO director Nell Derick Debevoise, former TYO intern Christina Sass, and founder Hani Masri, with his input about the huge potential for TYO's work to make a real difference in Middle Eastern society as well as relations between the US and that part of the world.
Finally, the inspiring video, "What If?" was shown - if you missed it, check it out on YouTube now! And see more pics from the evening on our Flickr site.