TYO Founder and President Hani Masri interviewed on MBC Arabic's "Sabah il Kher"


On Tuesday, December 7, 2010 Nadia Bilbassy interviewed TYO Founder and President Hani Masri for MBC Arabic's  "Sabah il Kher"  (Arabic: Good Morning) program. During the interview, Mr. Masri spoke about the importance of investing in children, youth and women in Nablus, Palestine, where he was born and many of his family members live today.

The kids come to our Center to take classes in IT, sports, music and many other subjects that are not available at their schools, Mr. Masri told MBC Arabic on Monday at TYO's Virginia office.

Mr. Masri also commented on the importance of programming for young women and mothers. He added that the TYO Center is open to the participants' mothers who are eager to engage in English, computer science and aerobics classes. Moreover, TYO developed a program to train young female university students interested in starting their own businesses.

Following the interview, Ms. Bilbassy commented on TYO's innovative approach and commended Mr. Masri for investing in developing societies in the Arab world.