Field Trip to the Park with the Core Program!

Last Thursday, the Core Teachers skipped TYO’s building and went straight to the park with their students. It’s was a beautiful day and end to a long week, so we all decided the kids could use some fun in the sun. They played on the swings, jumped around in the sand, and got some exercise. And, we ran around taking pictures of their experience. Here are some of them!

“I’m so happy here! This is the first time I’ve been to a park!” said Sadeel, a 4-year-old. Sadeel wasn’t the only one who was new to the playful park experience. Some of the children weren’t sure what to do. Maid, for example, refused to play because he wasn’t sure what to do at a park until another child, Nihad, came to play with and help Maid. It’s great seeing the kids caring for each other, trying new things, and have fun!

The kids loved to role play on the playground. Here is a little girl driving!

We ended the day with some face painting. Kids requested flowers, butterflies, lions, cats, and even the TYO building! Eventually, the hours passed and it was time to go but the kids all expressed their excitement about another field trip to the park. It was a great day for the Core Program!


Suhad is the Psychosocial Program Manager.