TYO Round Up: Week of January 29, 2012
Moving into February and looking back at the last week of January!
SUNDAY, January 29
The Effects of Domestic Violence on Nabulsi Women and Children, a conversation with the MOTHERS OF NABLUS.
A Change in Environment, new spring interns discuss first IMPRESSIONS OF NABLUS in the marketplace, classroom, and more.
Building with Paper Clips and Straws, students learn to think out of (and under, and over, and around) THE BOX.
WEDNESDAY, February 1, 2012
IDENTITY: Who are you?, answering questions of how we define ourselves and how those images are shaped.
Friday, February 3, 2012
From honor killings in Canada to the future of women's leadership as discussed at the World Economic Forum, this week's recommended ARTICLES tackle the ever meandering path of women seeking power and place.