3 Lessons Learned from Women Entrepreneurs in Lebanon
As we have worked with women entrepreneurs in Lebanon over the past year, we have had many great lessons learned. We would like to share our top three lessons learned with you!
1. Each Entrepreneur Faces Their Own Unique Challenges
When working with entrepreneurs with little or no real business experience, assessment is critical. We spent a great deal of time assessing and reassessing our women to ensure that we provided them with the tools and skills that they need, both generally and unique to their business idea/needs. Using this process, we were able to ensure that we provided our women with as many tools as possible to contribute to their success!
2. The Importance of Societal and Family Support
It is often the case in underdeveloped communities that women are not given real opportunities for economic growth. This is due to a number of factors, but here in Lebanon, we expected to face this challenge due to societal and familial definitions of the role of women. While those restraints due exist, we were pleased to learn that when the communities and more specifically the families could see the real positive impact that these women in business could have in improving their economic situations, we were welcomed with open arms! All of our women have the solid support of their families as they take their business journeys, and that support has helped them to feel that they have a real chance to succeed!
3. Network, Network and Network!
At TYO-Lebanon, we have been so lucky to discover that the local Lebanese community is more than willing to provide support and tools to help promote women entrepreneurs and stimulate local economy. We often forget that in-kind donations can go a very long way! We would like to thank the following supporters of the WEL project for their various contributions:
- Caligraph Printing: Many thanks to Mr. Ghassan Chawrba!
- AMIDEAST: https://www.amideast.org/lebanon
- Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT): www.dotrust.org/where_we_work/dot_lebanon
- Dunkin Donuts: https://www.ddlebanon.com/
- Souk el Tayeb: https://www.soukeltayeb.com/
- Le Gray Hotel: https://www.campbellgrayhotels.com/le-gray-beirut.html?lang=EN#/le-gray-beirut
- Endeavor: https://www.endeavor.org/network/countries/lebanon/11
- American University of Beirut: https://www.aub.edu.lb/main/Pages/index.aspx