Introducing Fostering Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East!

After the successful completion of the Fostering Women Entrepreneurs in Nablus (FWEN) and the Women Entrepreneurs in Lebanon (WEL) Program, TYO is continuing its partnership with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (CBFW) with the two-year Fostering Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East (FWEME) Program in Palestine and Lebanon. TYO aims to target 90 young businesswomen with existing or start-up businesses in the Northern West Bank - targeting Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarem and Qalqilya and its surrounding villages - and Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. The program will follow a four-phases composed of:

  1. Selection of female business leaders, initial 4-day intensive training, and individual coaching and mentoring
  2. Production of business plans and linkage to finance
  3. Selection of business plans to be incubated
  4. Incubation of selected businesses through training and support for business expansion, with particular focus on marketing, distribution, access to finance, and networking.

Twenty women will be selected to incubate their businesses.

TYO is currently partnering with organizations with in the Northern West Bank, and is starting to create a Steering Committee that will include representatives from the public and private sectors to guide FWEME.

We're looking forward to helping incubate these businesses in Palestine and Lebanon. Be sure to stay in touch with TYO on our blog to hear more about FWEME and our programs for women.