Meet Tomorrow's Youth: Suha

Suha Volunteer Suha Abulkibash, 18, from Hebron, is a current volunteer in the Core Child Program at TYO. This is Suha's first session at TYO.

What has been your favorite memory at TYO? 

The best moment at TYO is when the kids line up and start dancing with the TYO song, filled with joy and happiness. It’s something doesn’t happen everyday in their lives and it's so great to see. I also like my relationships that I've built with the kids. Seeing the kids developing their skills in a short period of time gives me hope that their futures will be better.

Why is volunteering important and why did you decide to volunteer?

Volunteering is very important because it can shape one's personality. Especially in regards to youth who are at the beginning of their careers, it adds values and characteristics like a love of helping and teamwork. I decided to be a volunteer because I love to help others and strengthen my social and organizational relationships. Ultimately, volunteering helps me to be a better individual who is able to make a change.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Palestinian youth?

The biggest challenge for the youth in this community is the lack of choices in front of them according to their interests. There is also a lack of organizations willing to open its doors and ready to receive youth like TYO does.

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

In five years from now I hope to have finished my education and to have gained plenty of experience through community service and volunteering in organizations. I will be free and ready to make change in my community.

How do you think what you’ve learned at TYO will benefit you in the long run?

I've only spent a short amount of time here but already it's been enough to give me a clearer picture about how much this experience in TYO will help me long term. I feel more valuable in my community and have a sense of belonging. I see TYO as a turning point in my life.

This interview was translated by TYO's Outreach Coordinator, Futoon Qadri.