TYO-L Successfully Conducts Leading and Learning Training Event in Bekaa!

Tomorrow’s Youth Organization-Lebanon is pleased to announce the success of the “Entrepreneurs as Leaders” training, which was held at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Zahle on July 29, 2013 from 9:30 A.M. till Noon. The women entrepreneurs in attendance were from a variety of different backgrounds, ranging from traditional food production, wedding planning, household good production and a pharmacy owner!

The main topics of the training were:

  • Communicating your Brand
  • Negotiating for Success
  • Hiring the Right Talent
  • Confronting Performance Issues
  • Coaching and Mentoring

The training provided usefuel lessons for the entrepreneurs, with the Elevator Pitch excercises proving to be a combination of fun and learning, enabling the women with a new tool that can help them to take their businesses to the next level.


In addition, the coaching and mentoring skills of how to manage your employees as “talent” really struck a cord in the minds of the women as they realized that every good businesswoman will need a team of committed people to support their businesses, and that managing those relationships starts with solid leadership!

TYO-L was delighted to host the training and we would like to send thanks again to the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women and to GE, for sharing their customized training with us!

For any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Ms. Farah Obeid at farah@tomorrowsyouth.org