FWEME Lebanon completes 4 day training program !
In partnership with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women and implemented by Tomorrow’s Youth Organization-Lebanon, (TYO-L) we are pleased to announce the success of the “4-Day Intensive Business Basics Training Course - IBB” which was held at Bar Elias Municipality, Bekaa on August 26, 27, 28, and 29 2013 from 9:00 A.M. till 1:00 P.M.
The training was given by Ms. Aline Slim who provided participants with an understanding of the methodology of business, marketing, finance and organizational strategies. The four day training program introduced the participants to the basics of how to make a successful business plan. The program consisted introducing them to the various marketing strategies, management skills, and how to manage financials. Furthermore, Ms. Slim offered the participants the chance to engage in group simulation activities that encouraged the women to be interactive and kept the training atmosphere very dynamic!
- The IBB training allowed for a better understanding of the process behind developing a smart business plan by focusing on, but not limited to, the below: The product and the target market
- Accounting/bookkeeping
- Access to finance
TYO-L was honoured to meet the ladies from the Bekaa, who show case the hidden power of women as it applies to the development and success of their families and their communities.
TYO - L would like to thank all the participants for their commitment and contribution to the training making it an extremely enriching experience for all of us!
In addition, we would like to extend gratitude to the Municipality of Bar Elias, and the Chamber of Commerce: Industry and Agriculture, Zahle (CCIAZ) for their support and help in the success of the training.
TYO - L had an unforgettable experience getting to know the participating women and we look forward to selecting our 10 participants to move forward into phase 2 of the FWEME project!
More soon!!