Welcome Summer 2014 Zahi Khouri Fellows!

TYO is proud to introduce this summer's Zahi Khouri Fellow's- Michelle and Nada! ZK Fellow's Michelle and Nada


Michelle is a sophomore at Boston University studying international relations and Middle East studies. Michelle is a Palestinian-Lebanese American, with strong connections to her Middle Eastern culture.  After college, Michelle aspires to work for a non-profit or an NGO that focuses on human rights, and one day hopes to start her own NGO which empowers women and girls in the Middle East through education. Michelle will be teaching ESL to children in both the morning and afternoon Core Child Program, as well as teaching Core Competency at An Najah University.



Nada is an Arab-American, with Palestinian heritage on her mother's side. Nada graduated from the University of North Texas with a BFA in New Media. Prior to starting her fellowship at TYO Nada was managing an event production/media marketing agency. Nada is passionate about current events and plans, after a little more work experience, to study multimedia journalism in graduate school, which she hopes to turn into a career as a news producer and film maker. Nada will be teaching IT to The Women's Group, as well as English and IT to women entrepreneurs in the FWEME program, and Nada will assistant teaching at An Najah University's Honor's College courses in leadership and communication.