Youth in focus: an interview with Hana Qut

Hana Qut from is from Nablus. She graduated in 2009 from An-Najah National University with a degree in English Language and Literature and a degree in Rehabilitation from Al-Quds Open University in 2014. IMG_9765

What made you apply for STEP?!

I was interested in applying for STEP! primarily for the opportunity to work with children. From my experience as a teacher I understand that many of the children in Nablus need additional support. Additionally, I wanted to improve my own skills in working with children- particularly my leadership skills.

What new skills have your learned through the program?

Thus far I've improved in my ability to discipline children in a productive and positive manner. Being able to control children in the classroom is a skill that requires patience. It is important to be assertive to maintain control throughout the class and ensure all of the learning objectives are met. I have also improved my team-building and communication skills on account of having to coordinate with my fellow volunteers and Core teacher.

What are your career goals and do you feel that STEP! helped you get closer to those goals?

I would like to work as an English teacher while perusing my MA in translation. Eventually I would like to establish a language and translation center in Nablus, since there are so few options in Palestine for people interested in learning a foreign language.  TYO has been a great first step, giving me practice in a teaching role and allowing me to practice communication techniques with children. Next session I would like to volunteer in the intern classes so I can develop my English skills.

What do you think is the biggest challenge for youth like you in the current labor market?

I think the biggest challenge facing Palestinian youth is the lack of knowledge as to how to market ourselves- particularly how to best highlight the skills that we have in order to get a job. Sometimes we do have the skills required but we cannot articulate them in an interview. TYO is really helpful in this regard, by providing job skills training seminars to the volunteers.

-Interview conducted by Volunteer Coordinator, Ruba Hafayda

This program is funded by the Abdel Hameed Shoman Foundation (AHSF)