Humans of Nablus 38


“The children aren’t looking for someone to improve their lives through donations or monetary contributions but by feeling heard and understood by others.”

“In general, I don’t need money but I work here because I want to help others and help build my community in order to grow a brighter future for its inhabitants.”

.الاطفال ليسوا بحاجه لفلوس و تمويل ولكن بحاجة لمن يؤمن بهم و يسمعهم و يفهمهم في الغالب انا لست بحاجة ماسه للمال و لكن انا اتواجد و اعمل هنا من اجل مساعدة الاخرين و اشارك في بناء غد مشرق لمجتمعنا

Masarah is a volunteer for the Early Childhood Education classes at the TYO Nablus center, as part of the Core Child Program. TYO’s Core Program sets children ages four-to-eight on a path to self-discovery through play and non-formal education.