Posts tagged women's business
Tubas to Taking Chances: Maysaa Abu Mohsen Travels to America
Former FWEN Participant Haneen Successfully Launches Business
Women's Empowermenttomorrowyoutheconomic empowerment, fall 2010, FWEN, middle east, nablus, Palestine, TYO, west bank, women's business, women's programs
Phase II brings encouraging progress for FWEN entrepreneurs
Women's Empowermenttomorrowyouthbusiness coaching, cherie blair foundation for women, computer skills, english skills, financial management, google, made in palestine, nablus, Palestine, small enterprise center, TYO, women's business
Summer Begins Today at TYO!
Newstomorrowyouthchildren, creative art classes, early childhood education, international, internship program, kids, nablus, palestinians, summer 2010, summer camp, Triple Exposure, TYO, west bank, women's business, women's classes, women's empowerement
Why put off to tomorrow the youth we could empower today?
Women's Empowerment, Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthcherie blair foundation for women, financial times youth, international youth foundation, jay knott, justin yifu lin, middle east youth, palestinian businesswomen, palestinian youth, richard lapper, wendy cunningham, women's business, youth employment