TYO Recommends: December 9, 2011


GREEN: The UN is constructing environmentally sustainable schools in GAZA (Voice of America).

ART: Giving a voice to Middle Eastern ARTISTS -- a portrait of Jerusalem photographer, Raeda Saadeh (The National).

HOLIDAY SHOPPING: Don't forget about limited edition TYO POSTCARD and NOTECARD sets availble as a thank you for your donation via Global Giving.

NUTRITION: An excellent follow up to our blog post on including nutrition in TYO programs, arguing that "profit, not health, is the priority of the food service management companies, food processors, and even elected officials" when it comes to school LUNCHES (NY Times).

MATH: Chicago teachers add arithmetic to PRESCHOOL curriculum, paving the way higher-level skills in the future (Wall Street Journal).

POVERTY: How poverty affects academic ACHIEVEMENT (Education Week).

PEACE: Hundreds of students from United Nations schools near Jericho have created a massive aerial image of the DOVE OF PEACE in conjunction with the world-renowned artist, John Quigley. WATCH the video from the day below.

[youtube MLKDSrKzddA 585]