TYO Round Up: Week of February 12, 2012

In case you weren't around this week...

Sunday, February 12

TYO teacher Alaa talks about her take on Core Program COMPUTER literacy classes with her students.


Monday, February 13

The interns perform early ASSESSMENT activities in their classes and discover hidden talents in the process.



TYO fellow Karen remarks on the joys of cultural ambassadorship in PEN PAL letters between precocious Palestinian and American youth.


Wednesday, February 15

Abi takes a new spin on how the other HALF would live, looking at girls and women in a world of equality between the sexes.


Thursday, February 16

The WEL project moves into the incubation period as the 10 selected women and projects ADVANCE to the next stage.


Friday, February 17

TYO celebrates Social Media Week with links demonstrating the power of SOCIAL MEDIA in the classroom and links between education and media.