4 Tips to Promoting Resilience in the Classroom

Resilience, the ability to cope, adapt or “bounce back” after enduring stressful life circumstances or events, can and must be nurtured and fostered in children living in underprivileged areas. Resilience is not a trait, rather it is a dynamic process whereby children use learned positive behaviors or coping strategies during times of difficulty, and the result is adaptation and growth. By educating teachers about the importance of early childhood development and how to infuse their classrooms with the principles of active and non-formal learning, the Child Friendly Schools program is also preparing teachers to be better equipped at fostering resilience in their students.

Four tips to promote resilience within a classroom environment

  1. Educators can teach children how to manage negative emotions by being a role model on how to manage emotions such as anger and frustration.
  2. Teachers can provide children with the opportunity to set goals and solve problems- this contributes to the development of self-efficacy and self-confidence.
  3. Educators should provide children with opportunities to participate, contribute and become involved in the classroom and school, since children have a strong need to feel valued- such participation strengthens a child’s sense of proficiency.
  4. Teachers must generate a caring and encouraging environment by actively listening to children, and acknowledging and respecting their emotions. This helps to cultivate empathy in children and coaches them on how to manage interpersonal relationships.

TYO and TYO-L are dedicated to helping teachers in underprivileged areas in Lebanon to develop the awareness and tools to become better equipped to meet the needs of their students.

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