Humans of Nablus 22
I am having a great time with the kids at TYO. After my Bachelor’s degree, I would like to continue my studies and accomplish my dream of opening an English club for children. I would like to use my experience to make a lasting impact in the lives of children in the region. Children are very clever, they communicate with other children very easily most of the time. Sometimes, they are afraid of sharing during games and activities with others. I have always wanted to volunteer with children. I love children very much and I would like to use my experience to help them.
امضي وقتا رائعا مع الاطفال في منظمة شباب الغد . فبعد حصولي على درجة البكالوريوس اريد انهاء دراستي واحقق حلمي بفتح نادي للغة الانجليزية للاطفال .اريد ان استغل خبرتي من اجل ترك اثر ابدي في حياة الاطفال. الاطفال اذكياء جدا فهم بتواصلون مع الاطفال الاخرين بسهولة معظم الوقت ولكن احيانا يخافون المشاركة وقت النشاطات والالعاب مع الاخرين . اردت دائما التطوع والعمل مع الاطفال فانا احب الاطفال كثيرا واريد تسخير خبرتي لمساعدتهم
Watanya is a volunteer with the Youth Service Learning (YSL) program as part of STEP! II, a youth employability, empowerment, and community leadership initiative supported by Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation.