Humans of Nablus 30


Education is so important. We need education so that we can develop ourselves and develop our country, and also because education really helps people.  I love working with the little children, but it can be hard.  In the beginning, they always started to cry, and it can be hard to control them, but we try.  We try to hold them and be soft to them.  And we succeed!  My best memory of playing with them is when we went outside with another class and played football with my class against his.  My team won!

التعليم مهم , نحتاج اليه لتطوير انفسنا وتطوير بلادنا بالاضافة لان التعليم بحق يساعد الناس. احب العمل مع الاطفال مع انه قد يكون صعبا. ففي الصباح يبدأون بالبكاء وقد يكون صعبا احيانا السيطرة على ذلك . ونبذل جهدنا باحتضانهم والتعامل معهم بلطف لتهدئتهم وبالفعل ننجح بذلك ّ اكثر ما اذكر خلال لعبي معهم هو عندما خرجنا الى الخارج مع صف اخر ولعبنا كرة القدم وفاز فريقي

Aya is a volunteer with the Core Early Childhood program as part of STEP! II, a youth employability, empowerment, and community leadership initiative supported by Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation.