Fueling Ambitions: Huda's Entrepreneurial Journey


Huda Al-Omari holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from An-Najah National University, and is a successful entrepreneur from Nablus, Palestine. She owns a healthy food restaurant through which she promotes healthy lifestyles, by offering nutritious meal options and educating her customers on the benefits of healthy eating. 

She participated in TYO’s TasteMasters Program this spring, aimed at developing and enhancing business skills of young entrepreneurs in the food industry. Through training and mentoring sessions, Huda acquired knowledge and skills that allowed her to advance and grow her business in ways she hadn’t imagined before.

Can you share the story of your business? What motivated you to begin your entrepreneurial journey?

The idea for Granola Restaurant came out of a need for more nutritious foods that aligned with the fitness program I was following back in 2019. I realized there was no one providing this service, so I decided to offer food with calculated nutritional values and in a healthy manner. At first, I worked from home and advertised my business on social media. But it quickly gained popularity in Nablus, people were actually interested in the project, and this prompted me to expand it and open a specialized healthy food restaurant offering meals and desserts. 

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the region, I had to continue operating from home. But at the beginning of 2021, I was ready to open the restaurant, so I began looking for a location that would easily reach my target audience. I found the perfect spot, in Rafidia Street, and I still remember opening day, in July that year.

And what has changed since then?

Initially, my main goal was to change people's perceptions about healthy food, and I used social media to market this idea. The business started growing, and now I’m proud to say it is a well-known brand in town and across the West Bank even. My goal now is to open other branches throughout the country and potentially expand it internationally.

How was your experience participating in the TYO Entrepreneurship Program? How did you hear about it and what motivated you to apply?

It was fun and amazing. It allowed me to meet new people, make connections, and network with others who share similar experiences. I got to meet fellow entrepreneurs and influencers within our community. I found out about this program when TYO called me after hearing about my small cooking business. They wanted me to be involved in this program. I love being part of such experiences and learning new things related to my work and passion. They scheduled an interview that helped me set and agree upon my goals with TYO. What encouraged me even more to join this program was the opportunity to learn new entrepreneurial skills and gain hands-on experience with Kitchen Club Academy, where I learned new cooking techniques that I now use to create new recipes for my business.

How has the program impacted your personal and professional life? Can you share some of the most important skills or knowledge you gained from the program?

On a personal level, I learned new skills and made valuable connections with trainers and participants. And professionally, I developed new techniques to apply in my kitchen, revitalizing traditional dishes with fresh, inventive presentations. Additionally, I gained photography skills to better showcase my work and learned how to leverage social media to promote my business effectively. The training also provided me with financial skills, enabling me to set prices strategically and plan for future sales. 

How did the program help you overcome challenges as a female entrepreneur?

Through honing my entrepreneurial skills in this training, I gained a deeper understanding of the market and the importance of accounting and financial aspects of my business. This insight enabled me to effectively overcome challenges and solve problems in a way that positively benefits my business.

Can you describe a specific moment or experience during the program that stands out to you?

My favorite highlight of the program was our trip to Ramallah, to Kitchen Club Academy. I loved applying everything I learned in a real-world setting. The chef was incredibly experienced, and I gained so much knowledge from him. He taught us how to recreate traditional dishes using new techniques that I had never seen or thought about before. We cooked a variety of dishes together, experimenting and creating new recipes.

Can you share any success stories or achievements from the program?

Participating in the Kitchen Club was definitely the highlight of this training for me. It helped me develop a new skill of recreating dishes in innovative ways and creating new recipes for my business through this valuable experience and training. I have come up with new recipes with the new techniques!

What advice would you give to other women considering participating in a program like this?

I advise every woman to seize this opportunity because it offers tremendous benefits for their small businesses, providing essential skills to start or develop them. From social media and finance to packaging, pricing, photography, and strategic planning, this program equips participants with diverse competencies. Moreover, it facilitates valuable networking opportunities with fellow entrepreneurs, allowing them to learn from each other and potentially innovate together. These connections and skills can inspire creative thinking and foster new ideas, making this program an invaluable opportunity for Palestinian women.

In partnership with Qatar Fund For Development, TYO continues to promote the economic empowerment of Palestinian female entrepreneurs from marginalized communities, helping women break create a better future for themselves and their families, and advance their position in society.