Humans of Nablus 54


Hello! My name is Haitham Okeh. I’m a 38-year-old education professional from Nablus, with over 16 years of experience in the field, primarily at TYO. I am a father of three children, and my two oldest sons participate in the programs of the organization. 

From the beginning, I have been dedicated to enhancing the quality of education, making it more effective and inspiring for young people everywhere.

I began my journey at TYO as a volunteer. Over time, I became a teacher, then Volunteer Coordinator, and finally, the Coordinator of the Dropout Prevention Program.

There have been numerous challenges but also significant achievements, all of which contributed to my knowledge of team and program management. It has been an enriching and enjoyable experience that taught me how to have a positive and sustainable impact on the lives of students and their communities.

I am passionate about training and developing young individuals to become leaders in their communities. Being able to motivate them, help them explore their full potential, and contribute to a brighter future for themselves and their communities is incredibly rewarding.

I firmly believe that education is the key to changing the world for the better, and I am committed to achieving this goal through all my efforts and daily activities. I am passionate about learning and constantly strive for innovation and effectiveness in my work.

Beyond my professional life, I love poetry and writing. It allows me to express my creative and spiritual side and enhances my ability to communicate effectively. I also enjoy playing football—a passion rooted in my university studies and my general love for sports.

Every month, I enjoy visiting places like Sebastia, the Old City, and Wadi Bathan. I find solace and inspiration in the historical and cultural beauty of Nablus. These historical sites serve as sources of inspiration that renew my energy and enhance my approach to improving education and empowering youth.

As an educator in Palestine, I have witnessed the transformative power of education. My goal is to make education a safe haven for all, ensuring everyone has access to quality education and equal opportunities to grow and develop. I hope my work contributes to youth achieving their dreams and making a positive impact in their communities.