Humans of Nablus 49

Hello, my name is Talia, I’m from Nablus, and I live here with my family. 

I have three sisters and one brother. We always have a lot of fun playing together with toys and coloring. And I love dancing too - it’s my favorite thing to do.

My mom is an incredible cook! I love it when she cooks grape leaves. On special days, we go shopping in the city, and the best part is eating shawarma together.

Every day, I come to TYO and it is a really cool place. I love it here, because I learn a lot and I always have fun with my friends.

Riding the bus to TYO every morning is the best part of my day. I get so excited to meet all my friends and I wonder about all the fun activities we will do…

My teacher is Ms. Masa, and she is the best! We have so much fun in class together. And I have the “bestest” friends ever - Tasneem, Kifah, Ibrahim, and Karam. We love playing with blocks and building the coolest stuff.

Talia is a participant in TYO’s Early Childhood Program.