Humans of Nablus 51


My name is Maisam Dweikat, and I am a second-year student at An-Najah National University, majoring in English Language and Literature with a minor in Translation. I am very passionate about the field, and it’s been a dream of mine since childhood to pursue my studies in it. I also have a profound love for cooking, especially Palestinian cuisine, and making both Arabic and Western desserts. And I enjoy creating content related to food on social media, sharing my culinary adventures and recipes.

Before joining TYO, I struggled with organizing my free time in a way that was beneficial. Everything changed during the first semester of my second year at university, when I heard about TYO from a colleague who was introducing herself and sharing her experiences with the class. Her words sparked my curiosity, and I began researching the organization and its programs. What I found was exactly what I had been searching for: initiatives designed to elevate children's educational levels and improve communication skills. 

Volunteering with TYO has been a transformative experience. It has allowed me to effectively organize my time and engage in activities that have had a positive impact on my personality. I had some previous volunteer experience before, working with programs for foreigners, city tours in Nablus, and serving in the public relations department at the university. All of these allowed me to participate in conferences, international events and many other activities that helped me gain professional experience. However, TYO offered something unique and profoundly enriching.

Here, I encountered wonderful people, and two of them had a remarkable influence on me. Ahmad, the Volunteer Coordinator, changed the stereotype of an overly strict authority figure for me. By being supportive and approachable, he made the volunteering experience comfortable and enjoyable. He was always available to help and answer questions, which fostered a positive and encouraging environment for us as volunteers.

Mr. Mahmoud, more than just a teacher, became a true role model for me. His understanding, patience, and simplicity in interactions were admirable. He was always open to my ideas, whether it was painting or organizing a music day for children. His guidance and support helped build my self-confidence and motivated me to reach for my goals.

The Volunteer Program fulfilled my desire to work with children and learn methods of academic support. Then, I also participated in the Entrepreneurship Program, which was aligned with my ambition to become a chef. The Tastemasters Project offered me a valuable experience, as I got to interact with diverse groups and individuals who shared the same interests, including content creators in the food sector. This opportunity allowed me to pursue my dreams and to discover my capabilities.

The programs offered at TYO are invaluable, as they provide free, accredited programs that support various local community groups. This is crucial for communities like ours that face significant social, economic, and political challenges. They enable children and youth to access the education, training, and support necessary for developing their skills and realizing their potential. In addition, TYO’s holistic approach, extending beyond academic support and including psychosocial and professional assistance, ensures a positive impact on individuals and motivates them to achieve their dreams and goals.

Being part of TYO as a volunteer instilled in me a sense of hope and optimism. The programs here are much more than opportunities for learning and for personal development; these are chances for young people like me to achieve our ambitions and dreams. The support and encouragement I received from the team and community at TYO made me feel valued and appreciated.

All in all, my journey with TYO has been nothing short of inspiring and motivating. It has allowed me to grow and develop in fields I am passionate about, and I look forward to repeating this enriching experience. TYO’s programs have a positive impact on individuals, the community in Nablus, and Palestine as a whole. For anyone seeking a transformative and impactful experience, I highly recommend volunteering with TYO.

Maisam is a participant in TYO’s Volunteer Program, and TasteMasters Project under the Youth Entrepreneurship Program, both supported by QFFD.