Introducing TYO’s Games Nook


This summer at TYO, students, teachers, and volunteers collaborated on a project to renovate an outdoor area in our center. Both 7th and 8th graders turned a previously unused space into a lively and functional Games Nook, while practicing their creativity and developing a stronger sense of community.

In the first summer session, students worked side by side with their teachers and volunteers to envision and realize the space they wanted to create. They painted a mural with vibrant colors and fun designs, and repurposed and decorated tires, by painting them, planting flowers inside, and using them as tables. 

But the project was about more than renovating the area – it was about fostering important social-emotional learning (SEL) skills such as teamwork, creativity, problem-solving, and community involvement.  “Our goal was to utilize every part of TYO and give students a chance to express themselves through art. The project allowed them to channel their energy into something positive,” Iman added. 

The Games Nook quickly became a hub for students to gather and interact playing board games and puzzles. Before the end of the first summer session, 8th graders invited 1st graders to experience the new space, while the 7th graders hosted the 2nd graders. This interaction allowed the younger students to enjoy the games and encouraged the older students to develop their communication and leadership skills.

“I was proud to show the younger kids how to play Uno,” said Zain, a 7th grader. “It felt great to see them having fun and to know that I was helping them learn something new.”

Our students organized a fun day for each other, and in the end, they exchanged gifts made from recycled materials, which further reinforced the themes of creativity and environmental responsibility.

In the second session of the summer program, the new 7th-grade and 8th-grade students took on the responsibility to continue the project. They painted another mural, decorated two doors, and designed a table for the area. This time, students worked closely with Wae’l, one of the bus drivers at TYO, who has exceptional painting skills. They learned new techniques and took pride in their growing abilities, feeling even more connected to the project.

For Nihal, a special needs student who loves drawing, this experience was particularly impactful: “I never thought I could be a leader, but working on this project made me realize that I can do so much more. I can’t wait to do more projects like this in the future.”

In the end, students organized a pizza party to celebrate their achievements, and also gathered there for their final day of the summer session. The area became more than just a place for games, it was a symbol of community and collaboration, and for the students, a symbol of pride and accomplishment. “The Games Nook is now a safe place where students can relax, have fun, and it is amazing to see them take ownership of the space and use it to build stronger connections with each other,” Ms. Lama said.

Our amazing Summer local volunteers and interns played a significant role in ensuring the area was completed successfully, bringing their own enthusiasm and creativity to the project. “Seeing the kids so engaged and excited about the project was incredibly rewarding. It reminded me of why I love volunteering with TYO,” Fatima, one of the volunteers, shared.

Parents also noticed the impact of the project. “Razan couldn’t stop talking about the mural and the games, she was really proud of herself. And that reflected in her confidence and proactivity around the house too,” her mother shared. 

The Games Nook taught children about what they can achieve when they set their intention to create something beautiful and meaningful. The initiative resulted in more than just a beautifully renovated space. It fostered a deeper sense of community, creativity, and resilience – qualities that are essential for these young students as they navigate the challenges of growing up in a difficult environment. It was about the connections, the skills, and the memories that will last far beyond the summer.