Representing TYO in Kenya
Kalimatna Initiative, UNAoC, Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthconference, kenya, middle east, nablus, nairobi, old city, Palestine, Reflection, sports, sports class, spring 2012, teach english, training, transformations, TYO, UNAoC, unemployment, United Nations Alliance of Civilization, volunteer abroad, west bank, workshop, youth, Youth Solidarity Fund, YSF
The Kalimatna Initiative Presents "This is Nablus!"
Kalimatna Initiative, Partners, Social Media, UNAoCtomorrowyouthAmerican, cross-cultural exchange, fall 2010, intercultural dialogue, internship program, interviewing, kalimatna, Media, nablus, Palestine, palestinian, photography, spring 2010, TYO, UNAoC, video, west bank, YSF