What’s in a Name?
Internship Programtomorrowyouthalaa, arts and crafts, community english, critical thinking, drama, fall 2011, hidden meanings, home, identity, intern abroad, international internship, learning, mad science, middle east, mohammad, music, nablus, nour, Palestine, refugee camp, sports class, students, teach english, TYO, volunteer abroad, volunteerism, west bank
Hidden Meanings
Internship Programtomorrowyoutharts and crafts, community english, critical thinking, drama, fall 2011, hidden meanings, home, identity, intern abroad, international internship, learning, mad science, middle east, music, nablus, Palestine, refugee camp, sports class, students, teach english, TYO, volunteer abroad, volunteerism, west bank
Intern Journal: Another Chance
Internship Programtomorrowyouthbrooklyn, chance and opportunity, fall 2010, home, internship program, nablus, Palestine, palestinian diaspora, TYO, west bank