Suzan Afaneh: A Palestinian Success Story Core Child Program, Youth Development, Early Childhood EducationVanessa FarajMarch 27, 2016early childhood education, TYO, youth developmentComment
A, B, C, Ommm Core Child Program, Internship Program, TYO ImpactlindseytyoMarch 10, 2016child development, mindfulness, yogaComment
Answering the Call for Creativity Core Child Program, Internship ProgramVanessa FarajNovember 25, 2015early childhood education, intern abroad, learning through playComment
An American in Nablus Core Child Program, Early Childhood Education, Internship ProgramVanessa FarajNovember 14, 2015cross-cultural friendships, early childhood education, volunteer abroadComment
Youth In Focus: An Interview with Ola B. Core Child Program, Youth Development, Youth Service Learning, Early Childhood EducationniraleetyoNovember 3, 2015employability, multigenerational impact, youth service learningComment
Racing Through The Alphabet Core Child Program, Early Childhood EducationVanessa FarajNovember 1, 2015core child program, early childhood education, ESL, learning through playComment
Hear Us Roar! Core Child Program, Women's EmpowermentVanessa FarajAugust 27, 2015Advancing Women Entrepreneurs in Palestine, Fitness and Nutrition Classes, women's empowerment programComment
Stepping Up Early Childhood Education Core Child Program, Early Childhood EducationniraleetyoAugust 9, 2015early childhood education, multigenerational impact, social emotional developmentComment
Summer Camp 2015 Week 2 Core Child Program, Youth Development, Internship ProgramtomorrowyouthAugust 3, 2015palestinian youth, psycho-social curriculum, summer campComment
Teaching Across the Age Spectrum Core Child Program, Youth Development, Internship ProgramniraleetyoAugust 2, 2015adolescents, summer camp 2015, youth programmingComment