Our Work at TYO is Totally Different
Over the past couple of years, TYO has restructured its early childhood program to encourage volunteers to be more invested in their work with children. To motivate them to continue working on a voluntary basis, teachers have increasingly shown volunteers how crucial their work as teacher’s aids is in making classes run smooth and efficiently. Furthermore, volunteers are encouraged to share their ideas on how to improve classroom dynamics, to step up and lead activities, as well as to contribute in lesson planning. Teachers and volunteers have set in a place a weekly meeting in which they debrief each other on areas for improvement as well as best practices. By assigning volunteers a greater level of responsibility, we hope to help them find more confidence in themselves and their abilities.
Amani Abdel Kareem began volunteering at TYO in 2010. During her time here she has worked as a volunteer for art, health and sports class. “I’ve enjoyed my time working as a volunteer at TYO because I have more confidence in dealing with people, youth and children than before”. Prior to her time at TYO she admits to being shy and indecisive, but since being with the organization she has learned how to face responsibility head-on, without fear. Now she is able to supervise an entire group of children in a teacher’s absence, help in lesson planning, and has even encouraged other youth to join as volunteers at TYO. Amani realizes the responsibility for everyone in the community to help their people and be active in their development. “I feel my involvement at TYO is allowing others around me to see how impactful volunteerism is, and how it is not only beneficial for the greater good of the community, but also individual capacity building and life-skills training.”
Ramz Faris began volunteering at TYO in 2010, “Volunteering at TYO has shown me I am important and can do something to make children happy”. Ramz has realized her love for children and working with them. Though she volunteered at another local organization prior to 2010, she feels TYO’s commitment extends beyond the superficial, and that they are truly committed to the growth of the community. “Not only that, but as a sociology major I have the space to practically implement the theories I am learning in university, and further discuss them with experienced teachers at TYO."
Shireen Issa also started volunteering at TYO in 2010. She thoroughly enjoyed her time at TYO and in thankful for the new skills they helped her build, the positive effect it had on her attitude, and the like-minded hardworking peers she befriended while there. “I started feeling more responsibility towards to the children and community after I worked at TYO. Our children need more youth role models to help and support them in reaching their goals."
Volunteers often report that their experience at TYO is very important to them because it is not like anything they have been involved in before. At TYO they are treated as respectful and responsible adults, who are trusted to lead the children on the respectable path they have grown up following.