Unlocking the door to employment opportunities
STEP!, Uncategorized, Youth Service Learningtomorrowyouthan najah national university, job training, leadership, nablus, Palestine, unemployment, west bank, youth service learning program
Meetings, Trips and Installations
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthbudget, change making, community development, enthusiasm, exchange, healthy eating, leader, leadership, MEPI, nablus, Palestine, park, passion, photography, role models, tourism, TYO, west bank, work plan, YALLA, YLC, youth
YALLA! Let's Set Goals
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthbudget, change making, community development, enthusiasm, exchange, leader, leadership, MEPI, nablus, Palestine, passion, role models, TYO, west bank, work plan, YALLA, YLC, youth
3 Steps to Becoming a Leader
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthchange making, community development, enthusiasm, exchange, leader, leadership, MEPI, nablus, Palestine, passion, role models, TYO, west bank, YALLA, YLC, youth
Creating Positive Role Models in Palestine
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthchange making, community development, exchange, leadership, MEPI, nablus, Palestine, role models, TYO, west bank, YALLA, YLC, youth
YALLA Winners
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthcampaign, change, community, impact, initiative, junk food, leadership, local, mentor, MEPI, middle east, nablus, Palestine, TYO, west bank, winners, YALLA, YLC, youth
Meet the YALLA Initiatives
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthcampaign, change, community, impact, initiative, junk food, leadership, local, mentor, MEPI, nablus, Palestine, TYO, west bank, YALLA, YLC, youth
Advancing YALLA Initiatives
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthcommunication, development, empowerment, icebreakers, introductions, leadership, MEPI, nablus, Palestine, skill building, state department, training, TYO, west bank, YALLA, YLC, your
The YLC's First Meeting with the YALLA Participants
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthaction, community, initiative, leadership, mentorship, MEPI, nablus, Palestine, service, TYO, volunteer, west bank, YALLA, YLC, youth, youth development
The Newly Graduated and Labor Market Needs
Youth Developmenttomorrowyouthcivic engagement, culture, employment, event planning, leadership, middle east, nablus, networking, Palestine, recruitment, Ruba, social committee, teamwork, tomorrow's youth, trainings, translator, TYO, unemployment, volunteerism, west bank, youth empowerment