Addressing Food Insecurity in Nablus


In Palestine, the challenges of mental health are compounded by various social and economic factors, including conflict, poverty, and limited access to quality healthcare. Recently, unprecedented challenges amid ongoing and escalating violence throughout the country have thrust families into heartbreaking scarcity.

At the forefront of battling food insecurity in Nablus, our team analyzed data from over 350 families across our target areas - Balata Refugee Camp, Askar Refugee Camp, The Old City of Nablus, and Khalet Al Amood - which revealed a stark reality. Unemployment rates are soaring at 30%, and incomes continue to plummet. The average size of families surveyed stands at roughly 6 individuals, and their incomes have decreased by half (from 500 USD to 250 USD).

We are witnessing unprecedented levels of poverty and lack of access to food in our community, which can cause psychological distress. Constantly worrying about where your next meal will come from increases the odds of mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, panic disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many of our women beneficiaries share heartbreaking stories of their children going to bed on empty stomachs:

“I have never been through a period of my life where, in my waking hours, all I can think about is how I can get bread to feed my children. It's a constant torment.” - Lubna, mother of 4.

In our education programs (catering to approximately 500 students), we have witnessed a huge increase in appetite for the modest sandwiches provided during snack time. Students now are starting to ask to take their sandwiches home to share with their siblings.

Access to healthy food is fundamental for children to thrive academically, socially, and physically. By addressing food insecurity and providing nutritious meals, TYO is paving the way for a brighter future, ensuring children have the nourishment they need to realize their full potential, both now and in the years to come.

Since October 2023, we have channeled our efforts to address the immediate and urgent needs in our communities. By appealing to our supporters worldwide and collaborating with local partners, TYO offers a lifeline to those facing financial hardships and emotional challenges. In addition to providing crucial food aid and basic supplies, our Mental Health Program offers counseling and psychosocial support services, and mental wellness workshops to help individuals and families cope with adversity and build resilience.

Through these comprehensive initiatives, TYO remains steadfast in its commitment to providing holistic support to refugee communities, especially during times of widespread and unprecedented adversity. Our goal is to not only alleviate the immediate suffering of countless families, but also establish a sustainable framework for creating a lasting impact and paving the way for a brighter future.

Sara Jarrar (Education Programs Manager) & Zain Masri (Mental Health Program Manager)