Humans of Nablus 56


My name is Khawla Awad, I am 31 years old, and I live in the village of Awarta, Nablus. I come from a close-knit family that values education and exploration. My parents instilled in me the importance of learning and perseverance. One of my dreams after high school was to study journalism and media, but due to my family’s financial situation, I couldn’t pursue that path. Despite the challenges, I didn’t give up. I entered the workforce to support my family and pay for my university fees, eventually studying Social Work.

I first learned about TYO through my brother, who was volunteering in the sports program. What motivated me were the opportunities it offered. Regardless of our background, gender, or social status, the volunteer program provided equal and fair opportunities to learn new skills, enhance academic performance, and prepare for the job market.

I joined TYO as a volunteer in 2017 because a training program was required by my university, and I hoped to acquire new skills and enrich my learning experience. I returned in 2019 with the goal of improving my skills. During that time, I participated in several programs, worked at a kindergarten in the mornings, and volunteered in the evenings. It was a challenging but significant period in my journey as a volunteer.

Receiving the scholarship from the Qatar Fund for Development to pursue my Master's degree at An-Najah National University was a life-changing opportunity. The financial support opened new doors, enabling me to gain higher qualifications and secure a better future for myself.

Outside of work and volunteering, I have many hobbies. I enjoy making clothes for dolls, meditation, yoga, and photography. However, my favorite pastimes are reading, creative writing, and horseback riding, which I cherish the most.

I have reached a stage in my life where I see myself as an independent, confident leader capable of making sound decisions. The experiences and skills I’ve gained at TYO have played a crucial role in shaping me into someone who can take charge, think critically, and guide others effectively. This transformation has not only benefited me personally but has also empowered me to contribute positively to my community and make meaningful impacts wherever I go.

Recently, I was nominated for a part-time position as a local trainee in TYO's Mental Health Program. My accumulated experiences have made me a strong competitor for this position, and I am eagerly awaiting the final stage of the process. This opportunity could further expand my skill set and allow me to serve my community in an even more impactful role, aligned with my education.

My ultimate goal is to leave a positive mark on society, achieve financial independence, and hold a position that reflects my efforts and experience. I also aim to continue learning and growing. TYO and the QFFD scholarship have supported these aspirations by offering me numerous chances to enhance my skills and recognizing the hard work I put into everything I do.