Humans of Nablus 48


Hello! My name is Ahmad Atma. I am a university student from Palestine, and there are seven of us in my family. I am majoring in Architecture & Interior Design at An-Najah National University in Nablus.

I have very diverse interests and hobbies. I love electronic music; when I enter my room and start creating tunes, it's like I'm in another world. I feel genuinely happy, it's a wonderful feeling. I also have a passion for motorcycles, and riding them is one of the coolest things I do in my free time. I feel free and full of life! Besides, I enjoy spending my time writing and learning about psychology.

My story with TYO began about two years ago when I came across the organization's page on social media and enrolled in the Dropout Prevention Program. It amazes me how TYO offers such distinctive and high-quality opportunities for young people like me. I had no idea programs like this existed in our country.

TYO helped me understand the importance of teamwork, and I believe that has shaped my character and the lifestyle I aim for myself.

This spring, I joined the Volunteer Program, where I made plenty of friends. One friendship that really stood out was with Ola. Also a volunteer, Ola is actually from Syria—a culture a little different from mine, which added to my experience and had a positive impact on me. I learned from her to be more optimistic, look into the future with hope, and that being strong lies in being human. I would say she is one of the best people I have met at TYO, and I am really grateful for that.

The storytelling training with Sara was a game-changer for me. It helped me to get to know myself, and it taught me the importance of expressing my emotions and how to best deal with them. These lessons showed me my place in society and how I can make it a better place.