Posts tagged Summer 2024
Introducing TYO’s Games Nook

This summer at TYO, students, teachers, and volunteers collaborated on a project to renovate an outdoor area in our center. Both 7th and 8th graders turned a previously unused space into a lively and functional Games Nook, while practicing their creativity and developing a stronger sense of community.

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Photovoice 2024: Picturing Your Dream

What if you could visualize your dream and capture it in a moment? For 7th graders at TYO this summer, this idea became a reality through the “Picturing Your Dream” project. Equipped with new skills in photography, these youth transformed their aspirations into powerful visual stories and were inspired to see their futures through a more hopeful lens.

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Scouts Week: Shaping Young Leaders

Students in 7th and 8th grades at TYO took part in an exciting new project this summer: ‘Scouts Week’. Aimed at providing them with an immersive experience combining adventure and learning, this initiative was also a lifeline. In a time when these young students endure numerous hardships, Scouts Week offered a respite, a sense of community, and an opportunity to build skills while having fun.

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