Congratulations TYO Champion, Usama Malik!
Events, Fundraisingtomorrowyouth4 Deserts, amman, I Heart U, jordan, marathon, Petra, Racing the Planet, Sahara, Usama Malik, Wadi Rum
Usama Malik: Non Zero
Racing the Planet Games
Fundraising, Internship Programtomorrowyouth50k in 50 days, arts and crafts, cheer, competition, drama, education, face paint, intern abroad, international internship, jordan, middle east, nablus, old city, Palestine, Racing the Planet, Reflection, spirit, sports, sports class, spring 2012, teach english, teamwork, transformations, TYO, volunteer abroad, west bank
FWEN Participant chosen as one of Goldman Sachs' 10,000 Women
News, Women's Empowermenttomorrowyouth10000 women, AUC, business education, business skills, cairo, entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurs, FWEN, goldman sachs, jordan, leadership skills, management certificate, nablus, Palestine, the american university in cairo, the wharton school, TYO, upenn, west bank, women
Kalimatna: Arabic to Arabic Translation
Kalimatna Initiative, Internship Programtomorrowyoutharabic language, arabic majors, arabic students, arabic study, cross-cultural understanding, intercultural dialogue, interviewing skills, jordan, kalimatna, nablus, Palestine, personal interviews, TYO, UNAoC, west bank
Intern Journal: A Ladies' Picnic
Internship Programtomorrowyouthamman, arabic study, cross-cutlural experience, expat lifestyles, friendships, immersion, intercultural dialogue, international internship program, jordan, nablus, palestinians, TYO, women's rights