Posts tagged refugee camps
Resolving Current Problems, Preventing Future Anger
From Camp to the Classroom: Core Teacher's Reflection on Work With Refugees
Public Health and Hygiene in Palestine
Looking for their lost Childhood
From MLK to Nablus: Fighting Institutionalized Racism and Ongoing Discrimination
Events, Uncategorized, Early Childhood EducationtomorrowyouthCivil Rights Movement, discrimination, early childhood education, importance of education, Jr- Day, Martin Luther King, nablus, Palestine, race, refugee camps, refugees, Tomorrow's Youth Organization, TYO, west bank
Accessing Safe Spaces for Play in Nablus
Early Childhood Educationtomorrowyouthearly childhood, early childhood education, middle east, nablus, Palestine, play, refugee camps, safe learning space, safe place, Tomorrow's Youth Organization, TYO, west bank
Walking in Balata Refugee Camp
Internship Programtomorrowyouthaskar refugee camp, balata refugee camp, community building, community empowerment, cross-cultural friendships, drama class, fall 2010, intercultural dialogue, internship program, nablus, Palestine, palestinian refugees, refugee camps, TYO, UNRWA, volunteer program, west bank
Internship Programtomorrowyouthchild development, childhood, community development, early childhood education, ece impact, fall 2010, internship program, nablus, Palestine, play, poetry, promise, refugee camps, refugees, TYO, west bank
New Van helps TYO to unite Nablus
Uncategorizedtomorrowyouthanonymous donor, Askar, Balata, core child program, craig newmark, early childhood, egyptian philanthropist, el-ein, el-ein camp, Fundraising, in-kind donations, international interns, IVECO, nablus, nablus old city, Nablus photos, Palestinian unity, refugee camps, summer 2009, summer camp activities, UNRWA