Posts in Women's Empowerment
An Interview with Haneen
Nehaya at the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Mentoring Women in Business Program Launch
Partners, Women's Empowermenttomorrowyouthambassador melanne verveer, business, cherie blair, cherie blair foundation, Christiane Amanpour, empowerment, google, india, kenya, mentoring women in business, Palestine, tony blair, UNDP, women entrepreneurs
Interview with Mrs. Soumaya Jokmak
"Women hold up half the sky"
MEPI, Partners, Women's Empowerment, Women's Nutrition, TYO Impacttomorrowyouthcapacity building, empowerment, half the sky, leadership skills, literacy, middle east partnership initiative, nablus, Palestine, sheryl wudunn, social welfare, TED, The Girl Effect, The Women's Group, U-S- Consulate, women
Financing for Entrepreneurs in Lebanon
Introducing the Women's Group at TYO
The Women's Group, Women's Empowermenttomorrowyouthchildren's needs, education, health, lifestyle, literacy, local orgzanitions, mental health, nablus, Palestine, parenting, Partners, resources, sustainable development, women
One-on-One Coaching for Women Entreprenuers in Lebanon
Introducing TYO’s Video Series: Fostering Women Entreprenuers in Nablus (FWEN) Program
VIDEO, Women's Empowermenttomorrowyouthbusiness, cherie blair, cherie blair foundation for women, economic empowerment, equal participation, labor force, Palestine, SOW, students of the world, women
Women Entreprenuers in Lebanon Official Launch
The Next Steps for Women Entrepreneurs in Lebanon